Tuesday 19 June 2012

Our 2012 Challenge- Goodbye Jersey, Hello Scotland!

So the news of our 2012 challenge has been broken- we are moving, not only house but country! While it is not a challenge in the sense of a marathon or climbing a mountain, metaphorically I think we have definitely climbed several mountains with some of the challenges we have faced so far and I certainly feel like I have run a marathon nearly everyday since the move started to be planned!
But we now both have jobs and we have just secured a massive and fabulous flat in Crieff, Perthshire.
The reaction we have got from most people when we have told them we are leaving Jersey is ‘Why’ and especially to Scotland “its always raining up there”. Well yes it may not be as warm on average as Jersey but the Island certainly get’s its fair share of rain! So here are the reasons for our move:
-          We want to buy a house.
As Jersey is not governed by the UK, it has some weird and wonderful laws, with one of them being housing. You have to live on the Island for 10 years (or be mega rich) before you can buy a property. Unless you buy a non qualified property- a 2 bed flat goes for around half a million pounds- to put that idea into perspective. Once you have your 10 years you are then looking at around £200k for a flat or £300- £400 for a small house. Even with the slightly higher salaries on the Island I don’t think we’d ever afford more than a 1 bed flat!

-          We want to be closer to family
Although only an hours flight away from the UK living here can sometimes feel like we are at the other side of the world! A family crisis means a good £400 on last minute flights and trying to get home a family birthday or event usually means several days off work and a good £200 in flights- with 6 months planning to get the cheapest airfare!

-          We like proper winters!
Some people may love the mild winters of the south, but as snow sports lovers we get really frustrated when Scotland is having loads of snow and we are having drizzle- or if we are lucky may a centimetre of wet, soggy snow. Being just an hour from the nearest ski slope is more than exciting and if the Scottish weather is it’s usual fickle self then at least we have Xscape in Glasgow.
-          We love Scotland
Whether it’s because Scotland is in our blood or just the love of the great outdoors we just love Scotland! When Ben did the Ride Across Britain 2 years ago, of all the places down the length of the country we visited, Scotland was the place that really stuck in our minds. When we did another house hunting/ interview trip earlier this month, driving up the A9 and towards Crieff it felt like going home… and that can only be a good thing.

So in 3 weeks time we will be leaving Jersey and becoming residents of Perthshire and we cannot wait, it’s been several years in the making and it is finally happening. We will of course be blogging about our new life and experiences. We are planning on throwing ourselves full tilt into local events and getting up into the mountains and I’m sure Ben will enjoy sharing his Whiskey tasting notes J